", "The term blue waffle disease began around 2010 when an image of blue-tinted", "Blue Waffle Disease: Does the STD Exist? - Healthline", "the disease isn't real Hoaxers also claim that it turns the vaginal area blue ", "¿Qué es la enfermedad sexual conocida como Blue Waffle?", "lesion-filled labia circulated online People said it resulted from a sexually transmitted infection (STI)
Explore MoreIt's a made up STD and doesn't actually exist Any pictures you've seen on the internet are fake Esto provocó la difusión de una supuesta enfermedad de transmisión sexual (ETS) llamada Blue Waffle", "El nombre de la enfermedad hace referencia a la coloración azul que podía generar en los genitales femeninos ", "en alusión a la vagina que se mostraba en la imagen
Learn More", "de verdad)
Learn More", "The term blue waffle disease began around 2010 when an image of blue-tinted", "Blue Waffle Disease: Does the STD Exist? - Healthline", "the disease isn't real
Learn More", "\"Blue waffle\" is totally", "What's blue waffle? - Planned Parenthood", "100% not real
Learn More", "gonorrhea", "a pesar de que sólo tenemos una certeza sobre ella: no existe
Learn MoreAnything you've heard about it is completely made up
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