0:19 - VICE", "shows about 20 doomed men who are purported members of La Bandera", "Sicarios decapitan a un joven y graban el sangriento momento en video "] ", "Mexico drug cartels use gory videos to spread fear | Reuters", "\" an apparent reference to El Mayo Zambada", "su esposa fue baleada tambien; VIDEO ¡EL KARMA SI EXISTE! Ejecutan a \"El 200\"", "kicking and burning the corpses of their enemies
Explore More", "a Spanish ", "Horrifying execution video recalls darkest days of Mexico's drug cartel - mySA", "Blog del Narco", "Investigators in Mexico said they have largely confirmed the contents of a grisly drug cartel video showing gunmen shooting", "Video Shows Cartel Gunmen Executing People at a Funeral in Broad ", "Sinaloa", "part of the Guerreros Unidos cartel", "Disturbing video shows Mexican cartel lining up rivals for mass
", "Video fuerte sin censura donde sicarios ejecutan en vivo a una mujer escort en Nuevo Leon; El video mas fuerte del Cartel del Noreste donde le saca el corazón a un miembro del Cartel de Juarez; Celular destapa al CJNG", "the leader of a faction of the Sinaloa drug cartel
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Learn More", "The video features a text written over the image that says \"Puro MZ", "Disturbing video shows alleged victim of cartel violence being
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