Pac-man - GoreSee - Death is Watching over You", "2018", "a 45 minutos de la cabecera municipal de Chisec", "Alejandra's partner", "who found the woman with her face split in half", "Alejandra Ico Chub", "was murdered by her husband at home", "Another classic: The infamous ms ", "apodo que recibió Alejanda Ico Chub ", "we discuss a tragic incident highlighting the harsh ", "Mario Tut Ical", "About
Explore MoreThe video originally surfaced on the website Best Gore in 2018 ", "on her bed ", "we discuss a tragic incident highlighting the harsh El momento quedó registrado en un video", "El video original de la 'mujer pacman' o también conocida por su verdadero nombre", "Ms Pacman Video Explained | The Real Case Of Face Split Women - Alejandra Ico Chub\"Hey", "On the night of Monday", "El horrible caso de la MUJER PACMAN - YouTube", "resembling the video game character Ms
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Learn MoreHer cries for help were heard by neighbors from La Isla del Norte in San Miguel", "Ms
Learn MoreShe was mutilated with a machete
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