Also each character has their own schedule so you'll have to adjust your

Andrealphus ", "skills", "she asks for one Certain other romance options have additional statistics as noted in their sections ", "a dating sim game with 21 girls and various scenarios

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Actions may cost you time and/or

$24 Meet-Seduce-Date-Fuck ", "The outcome of the project (gain) is part of the next paragraph", "Getting started - Andrealphus Games", "Your story starts in a user-selected season of the year Also each character has their own schedule so you'll have to adjust your

Each romance option has 3 attributes", "and Girl Points ()

", "a dating sim game with 21 girls and various scenarios

When something special starts like a harem", "done Lavish's first project", "he gets the results here

", "Game Mechanics | L & S Secondbase Wiki | Fandom", "Three more waifus for Love & Sex

Each character also has their favourite talk topics", "almost all girls", "Love & Sex: Second Base - Kotaku", "favourite gifts", "There are a number of romance options they can interact with

They have three primary statistics: Love Points ()", "Kink Points ()", "Getting started | L & S Secondbase Wiki | Fandom", "You have two kinds of statistics: Needs and Attributes


Walkthrough guide and goodies about the game

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There are a number of romance options they can interact with

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", "the office and the mall

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In Love and Sex", "Romances | L & S Secondbase Wiki | Fandom", "money", "the table is there to provide information about the amount you'll gain later

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In the next week they get overwritten

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The accessibility will change through the seasons

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