", "Un video que circula en redes sociales muestra los instantes previos al trágico accidente que cobró la vida de Débora Rebeca Xi Artola", "where a lack of safety measures turned a joyful gathering into a fatal accident

Un video revela sus últimos momentos con vida This brief yet poignant clip reveals a tragic scene on a seemingly innocuous rooftop", "at least one of whom was snapping pictures", "La Tinta en Guatemala", "In a heart-wrenching turn of events", "Video revela últimos momentos de Débora Xi antes de trágico accidente", "15", "Salen a la luz videos de Debora Rebeca previo a caer en los ", "estaba en el techo de un edificio de dos pisos junto a tres amigos"] ["a video capturing the final moments of Débora Rebeca Xi Artola's life in Guatemala has surfaced on social media", "quickly escalating to viral status

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Un video revela sus últimos momentos con vida

", "Débora Rebeca Xi Artola tuvo un fatal desenlace luego de protagonizar un accidente desde la terraza de una vivienda ", "was taking photos for social media alongside two friends on the roof of a terraced building when she came into contact with a high-power voltage line ", "El Heraldo said of a video taken by concerned locals ", "Guatemala

Un video revela sus últimos momentos con vida

La joven falleció tras sufrir una descarga eléctrica al entrar en contacto con cables de alta tensión en la terraza de una vivienda

", "Guatemala

her sister and their mom lived until they finally arrived in NY on

", "de 15 años", "DEBORAH REBECCA GUATEMALA FOOTAGE VIDEO ORIGINAL TWITTER csj", "Teenage Girl Was Electrocuted and Decapitated Whilst Taking Photos", "Quinceañera murió electrocutada en Guatemala: Video muestra momento en

["a video capturing the final moments of Débora Rebeca Xi Artola's life in Guatemala has surfaced on social media", "quickly escalating to viral status


A teenaged girl", "and her body and head fell to the ground in front of a horrified crowd

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â Members of the public are being urged to check CCTV and dashcam footage for missing Deborah", "VIDEO MUY FUERTE: Muere quinceañera tras electrocutarse en la terraza

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", "de 15 años", "DEBORAH REBECCA GUATEMALA FOOTAGE VIDEO ORIGINAL TWITTER csj", "Teenage Girl Was Electrocuted and Decapitated Whilst Taking Photos", "Quinceañera murió electrocutada en Guatemala: Video muestra momento en

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", "no pudieron salvarla

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12 Apr 2023 14:44:06 Research and publish the best content

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This brief yet poignant clip reveals a tragic scene on a seemingly innocuous rooftop", "at least one of whom was snapping pictures", "La Tinta en Guatemala", "In a heart-wrenching turn of events", "Video revela últimos momentos de Débora Xi antes de trágico accidente", "15", "Salen a la luz videos de Debora Rebeca previo a caer en los

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