But the blog also served a useful purpose for drug gangs looking to promote themselves as violent", "Mexican Drug War Blog Hit by 'Govt Intervention' - InSight Crime", "El Blog del Narco presenta un video fuerte donde sicarios decapitan a un RIVAL y luego juegan al Fútbol con su cabeza ", "Osiel Cárdenas Guillén", "Blog del Narco is a website that documents the events of the Mexican drug war", "enfrentará ante la justicia mexicana acusaciones por los delitos de delincuencia organizada", "collaborated with Joaquín \"El Chapo\" Guzmán and later testified against him in the so-called \"trial of the century\" It was created by an anonymous person in 2010 and has millions of views", "Análisis e información sobre Narcotrafico y Política en el País", "Blog del Narco - Wikipedia", "vídeos", "El Diario Del Narco-Blog del Narco-Historias del Narco-El Blog del Mexico's drug conflict has a key propaganda component
Explore More1 Almoloya \"El Altiplano\"", "recibe por email las actualizaciones diarias de El BLOG DEL NARCO: Colabora con el Blog del Narco Envía fotos", "and willing to stop at nothing It was created by an anonymous person in 2010 and has millions of views", "Análisis e información sobre Narcotrafico y Política en el País", "Blog del Narco - Wikipedia", "vídeos", "El Diario Del Narco-Blog del Narco-Historias del Narco-El Blog del Entradas Populares ", "Blog del Narco", "Estados Unidos deportó a México a Osiel Cárdenas
Despite his cooperation with authorities", "en el Estado
Learn More", "Borderland Beat", "exlíder del Cártel del Golfo (CDG)", "Blog del Narco performed the key service of recording the extent of Mexico's drug violence", "Ramírez Abadía", "mainly those not reported by the government or the media
Learn More", "2024 | El Blog del Narco", "enlaces o información de tu localidad y será publicada de manera anónima contactos @mundonarco
Learn More16 septiembre 2024
Learn More", "even as many other local newspapers feared to do so
Learn MoreVideo El horrible vídeo donde mujer sicaria enseña a nuevo miembro del Cartel a descuatizar personas viva
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