", "a high school student navigating the labyrinth of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ", "The Hunter of the Witch", "Ranked;", "Yuri!!! on ICE is unique among anime with LGBTQ+ themes because there's no ambiguity whatsoever about the relationship between the two protagonists Oh", "es un género dentro del anime y manga que se centra en relaciones románticas o sexuales entre personajes femeninos

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incluido ser gay", "alguns papéis antagonistas são atribuídos a personagens não heterossexuais ", "a high school student navigating the labyrinth of Unlike many mainstream yuri", "this show is the most recent project of Kunihiko Ikuhara", "también conocido como \"Girls Love\" o \"GL\"", "24 Animes LGBTQ+ imperdíveis para celebrar o mês do orgulho ", "girl love", "they start falling in love", "and mystery genres

", "Yuri Kuma Arashi se ocupa de la homofobia y presenta a una

El Cazador de la Bruja

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha

", "a high school student navigating the labyrinth of

) Motoko Kusanagi", "no binario", "Kase-san and Morning Glories", "bisexual", "algumas maçãs podres não devem estragar o cesto! Desmond", "Desde el principio de los tiempos", "Los 20 Mejores Anime Yuri de Todos los Tiempos: A las chicas les

After watching Gravitation", "Citrus


", "Sweet Blue Flowers follows a tender narrative across 11 episodes

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", "The Hunter of the Witch", "Ranked;", "Yuri!!! on ICE is unique among anime with LGBTQ+ themes because there's no ambiguity whatsoever about the relationship between the two protagonists

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) Motoko Kusanagi", "no binario", "Kase-san and Morning Glories", "bisexual", "algumas maçãs podres não devem estragar o cesto! Desmond", "Desde el principio de los tiempos", "Los 20 Mejores Anime Yuri de Todos los Tiempos: A las chicas les

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El Cazador de la Bruja

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As they prepare for the event", "25+ Of The Best LGBTQ Anime Shows That Won't Disappoint", "and space bears invade Earth to eat girls

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